Monday, May 31, 2010

More Oil... lets politicise it!!!

The Spin Doctors are all trying to make a big Political Gain from the BP Oil Well disaster. There are several questions that might need to be asked when it comes to this in the future, but right now we need to stay focused on solving this disasterous problem.

There needs to be more engagement of skimmers; subsurface suctioning; fluid seperation, not chemical breakup with toxic mixtures.... The Gulf of Mexico is one of our finest resources for sea food, oil, recreation and more...and like it or not, in the short term we need to harvest all of these elements ... not throw them away...and that means CLOSE THE WELL.

The US Government is not...and should in the oil well business. Those who are, however, need to solve this problem and develope the technologies to prevent these problems in the future, or to solve them if they come along.

I do not believe that there was Criminal Intent at any point in the chain of events that caused the accident, so we need to stay focused on solutions...not prosecution.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day ...

Congratulations and Thanks to all of us who served loyaly and made it home... and my thanks and best thoughts for those who are serving overseas and in combat zones today.

We solute all of the Men and Women who place themselves in harms way for love of country.
Scott Bradley, LCDR (ret)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What is in a 42 gallon barall of crude oil?

Source: American Petroleum Institute ( Figures are based on 1995 average yields for US refineries. Though one 'barrel contains 42 gallons of cruce oil, the refined volume increases due to added chemicals introduced during the refining process.Processing gains raise the volume by 2.2 gallons to a total of 44.2 gallons overall.

Monday, May 3, 2010

15 inches of rain in one hour!

I must admit I am glad I am not living in Nashville right now. While they have blue skys today, they also are going to continue to flood as their rivers are rising to more than 10 feet above flood stage.

Is this Global Warming? Well, as best warming is viewed by changing weather patterns and unexpected storms of extream force.

Let's send our best wishes to these Americans who are being hit by these really crazy patterns.

Oil still flowing...

There are oil rigs in operation throughout the world, not just off of our coasts but in the North Sea, the Persian Gulf, Arabian region, and Indian Oceans... South Pacific... even the Red Sea.

This catastrophy may be the worst in years, but the question has been raised ... is it the last? And for that matter, is it the worst potentially?

What we know for sure is that it ... the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico... has been dumping from 20,000 to 50,000 gallons of crude oil into the Gulf for two weeks today...and may not be shut down for several more weeks.

Your government needs to know how you feel. Should we allow coastal oil drilling or not...and if yes...should we put more secure programs in place? That is to say, is it good enough now, or not?