I can't help but laugh at how smart people seem to overlook such a simple, but critical part of the world around us. It truly is all connected.
Oceans change temperature by 1 or 2 degrees and there are unbelievable storms world wide; we dose forests with pesticide to try to eliminate one species of insect...and the birds fall from the sky; we over fertilize our golf courses and it causes increased nitrogen in our streams and lakes...killing the aquatic life and bringing on red-tide like blossoms.
Now Putin is saying that our GMO products and our pretreatment of seeds with synthetic pesticides is killing the world's bee population...and he believes that this could lead to war over food shortages.
Stop the insanity...its time to hold the Dows, Syngenta Crop, Monsantos and others in check while real research can be done on how harmful GMOs and next generation pesticides really are. Profit is not the goal...sustainability is the goal...Governments are not in place to meet the demands of Industry...they are in place to serve and protect their populations...and no matter what the Supreme Court says, corporations are not citizens and the rights of individual men and women are much more important than the wants of companies.
...and remember, it really is all connected