So here we are...a new year and a danger of carbon growth in America...quite near to our horizon!
Donald Trump has become our President and he has moved Billionaires into his Cabinet, and will be guided by his 35 year old son-in-law on matters of national and international concern.
You have to wonder why Trump denies the science of climate change...blames it on the Chinese as a diversion to sap America's economic strength. He also wants to push hard to have fossil fuels elevated again to the primary focus of the DOE. Why...well, he is personally invested in many gas and oil projects, and he is unwilling to divest his holdings nor place them into blind trusts.
Claiming that his sons and daughters are worthy of both running his global businesses and advising him at the same time on international policy...seems a little shaky, don't you think?
A balanced Republican Government would offer some improvements to our economy, but a trump-tilted government...with its focus on older white men and the elimination of rights for the press, and for all Non-Trump Supporting Americans...well, that is really not a balanced union...not by any measure.
What can you do...Stand Up...Make your voice heard. Call your Senators and your your district State Congressmen and your Governors....They are supposed to work for us...and they are accountable if we hold them accountable.
The Clean Air Act needs to be protected, Department of Energy needs to continue to focus on all energy types and sources. The alternative energy industry needs to be supported by government subsidies and it is time to begin to reduce the subsidies that are still being provided to the oil and gas industries...which are way larger than those provided to Solar and Wind initiatives.
Trump's Presidency is he would say...sad. But countering the negative impact it will have on our nation and on the world around us is our task at hand. Protecting the EPA and the Clean Air Act is important and we all need to stand up and make our voices heard.
This is not the time to sit back quietly, this is when your opinion counts and you can make a difference.