The intent of this blog is to create a place for us to come together and discuss issues related to our earth...and how we can make it better for all who live now...and those who will follow us. Please feel free to comment, give us your ideas, and your solutions. Thanks, Scott
The oceans are getting bluer...due to a loss of Oxygen rich plankton, and deeper due to the Polar meltdown... we have little time to reverse this effect.
The estimated world wide Tiger population is between 6370 and 8920 living in the wild. While these might strike you as low numbers…after all the Indian Tiger and subspecies are on the endangered species list… it turns out that some research facilities call these numbers way high…and estimate that they may be as low as 2000 and that almost all organizations working to resolve this problem project that the big cat population addressed here will be gone (extinct) by the year 2025!!!
In fact it appears that there are more tigers confined in zoos world wide then are free in their native environments. We are infringing on them through pollution, encroaching on their territories, and building in their habitat…and soon, like so many other grand animals, they will be gone.
Al Gore (Gore tells Newsweek) doesn't want a White House job, but he does have advice for Barack Obama: Use the bailout plan to transform the Big Three automakers. As vice-president, Gore rolled out a billion-dollar program to pay for fuel-efficient