Wednesday, January 28, 2009

As the sky lightened this morning, blacks to grays, grays to greens...I watched with interest as the leaves became more familiar in my window.

Here we are in winter, with our days shortened...our occasional cool period...while much of the rest of America braces against the wind and shields themselves from what may be the coldest winter to recall.

Is this the result of Global warming or is this its antithesis?

And now you see why I focus on pollution and not Global warming... it is easier to define our situation of planet peril by what is making life more difficult, rather than declaring an irrefutable 'scientific fact' that isn't irrefutable at all. Many of our problems, no mater their long term impact, come from our blatant disregard of our planet and our willingness to pollute and let the next generation or the one after that handle the mess we have caused.

Oceans will not clean themselves, nor will the air be filtered in some mysterious way...while the Earth may heal through its natural forces, we need to help by reducing the ills that we have brought forth. We need to stop our polluting cycle...of casting off things and materials, waste and sludge...and stop expecting nature to cleanse the toxins from our soil.

Now is the time to solve our problems. Now, not later... if not now then perhaps never.


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