Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Global Distillation

A twist to the pollution scheme.

Recently we have seen a great deal of source information about the devastating pollution found in cities throughout our industrializing world. China, Russia, India, Peru … are all on the list for top polluted areas. China alone is said to have 16 of the top 20 polluted cities.

Knowing this, you would assume that the most contaminated areas would yield the population most burdened by environmental carcinogens…or said another way…those people living in the affected areas would probably carry more of these poisons in their bodies then people of any other region.

But here is the surprise… due to a global cycle of evaporation, depositing, and re-evaporation these pollutants move toward the North and South Poles. It's called Global Distillation, and with its engagement ‘Global Distillation’ effectively causes these apparently pristine regions to be the most polluted by environmental carcinogens…toxic air pollution turning into water and land based carcinogenic poisoning agents…again, the most polluted area anywhere in the world.

The burden of environmental carcinogens is especially high in the Northern latitudes where native populations dedicated to hunting and fishing…anything but heavy industry…wait to be diagnosed as cancer patients somewhere down the line.

What can we do?

Step one is to take local action…your use of pest control sprays (as an example) in the Southeastern United States will evaporate off of your grass and become airborne which through Global Distillation will pollute throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Cut back or eliminate your usage.

Next… contact your Congressional Representatives and your Senators and demand that they support the EPA and increase controls on clearly dangerous chemical agents like Atrazine…a powerful and recognized cancer danger to human life. To date it has been excluded from a re-registration process and future use in the European Union, but we have not acted...and it is still one of the most widely used herbicides in the US and the world.

What you should not want to do is be silent… this problem is ours to solve…our health and the health of our children depends on it.

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