Finding a balance between EPA Standards for a healthy environment and a healthy economy is considered difficult... heck, its downright political.

However, as it turns out, this balance is central to most of the emerging standards and protocols for what is being called Sustainability. In fact it goes further than that... it covers 3-Es... Environment - Economy - and Equity, where equity is the commitment to future generations and intentional processes that move to ensure that we maintain our planet in a conservative way so that future generations the world over can enjoy the same environment that we do today.
And many of the sustainability practitioners argue that there is even a forth E... and that stand for education.
They effectively propose that we need to educate ourselves to understand the importance of creating a sustainable culture to ensure that we successfully pass on an earth that is ecologically sound and diverse, with the ability for our progeny to work and enjoy a good lifestyle and with the tools in place to deliver the same or better conditions for their children and theirs beyond that.
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