Do you have dogs, cats, kids, birds… fish?
Do you use pesticides and herbicides around them?
It might be time to rethink your approach to pest control… or at least to read the labels! If you don’t read the label you will not know the proper process for use. Normally, we just take the bottle and spray away…when we should be reading every word as if our life depended on it…which it just might. Some place on the label is a list of active ingredients used in these pesticides.
I have Round Up for use on my yard, now Round Up uses a Monsanto developed synthetic, Glyphosate Intermediate (GI), for its herbicides…in fact it is one of the most used herbicides worldwide. Finding the name of this active ingredient on the spray bottle I had took me minutes…as it did on the Bengal Roach killer I had too… You see, they want you to be impressed with their marketing statements… how well it works to kill a broad spectrum of plants or insects… and not on the toxins in the product. Some of these products are pre-diluted to the appropriate dose rate, others are concentrated and you have to add water.
I have Round Up for use on my yard, now Round Up uses a Monsanto developed synthetic, Glyphosate Intermediate (GI), for its herbicides…in fact it is one of the most used herbicides worldwide. Finding the name of this active ingredient on the spray bottle I had took me minutes…as it did on the Bengal Roach killer I had too… You see, they want you to be impressed with their marketing statements… how well it works to kill a broad spectrum of plants or insects… and not on the toxins in the product. Some of these products are pre-diluted to the appropriate dose rate, others are concentrated and you have to add water.
Commercial grade RoundUp is shipped at a 50% concentration when the application by sprayer calls for a .5% dose rate…and if done by air it is not to be more than .12%. This is an example of how it gets over used… hey what would your water mix be to reduce a 48-gallon barrel of herbicide at 50% concentration to .5% concentration or less? What you are tasked with doing is making a shift to ensure that 1% of your application is from the barrel and 99 gallons of water are added to that 1 gallon of concentrate. Most farmers don’t read the fine print… but more of them do than homeowners… we never read the details.
The same is true with the insecticides… in my house I had a fungicide, a roach designated pesticide…which kills a broad spectrum of insects, and a broad spectrum flea, ant, and roach pump spray… all with side effects that I had to
look up using the chemical name, not the product name… And I had to dig to find out that the Bengal spray and the broad spectrum spray could kill my cat and make young kids sick…
look up using the chemical name, not the product name… And I had to dig to find out that the Bengal spray and the broad spectrum spray could kill my cat and make young kids sick…
By the way, the toxins will seek out the fat and marrow in all animals…and it will stay there for a very long time. As it turned out…Round Up, which says it breaks down right away… really doesn’t. In fact the Monsanto company says it breaks down in 60 to 90 days on land and faster in water…but studies showed that in water it stays measurable for up to 6 months, and in a Michigan State study it was detectable a year after it washed off the field and into the stream where the testing sample was drawn.
And every one of the products in my house was deadly toxic to fish… and once the fish get dosed…these products develop follow on chemicals due to oxidation known as epoxides…which were 10 times more toxic than the original toxin. So…don’t let your cat eat your fish if you are using these toxins in your home! Birds too…though a little less…
How would these products get into your fish tank?
Easy…you used a spray, now the chemicals are airborne…you smelled them… and they settle into the fish tank. Bengal Bug Spray… Bug Be Gone hand pump… or that Raid spray or the house ‘Bug Bomb’ you used to kill the flies and fleas. It all becomes airborne and it all settles down and enters your pet’s food dish or the fish tank…or the bird cage…and there goes ‘Goldie’ … she didn’t die of old age, she died of bug spray…and every other animal in the home…kids and adults included…are exposed to these toxins and they are accumulating an increasing dose rate with every exposure.
Fast way to kill your cat!!!
Cat's have a unique nervous system and nuroanatomy... so they respond differently to nurotoxins than other four legged creatures. One fast way to eliminate all nine of their lives is to use a DOG anti-flea and tick treatment on them. DON'T MIX THEM UP!!!
Oh, and by the way... Cat nervous systems are very close to Human nervous systems... and we respond badly to Dog Anti-flea chemicals too. So don't let your children do the application on any of your pets (cats or dogs). In fact you need to wear gloves and you should let the biggest person (man) apply these chemicals if you must use them... the bigger you are the lower the retained dose... inhaled or skin absorped... recieved.
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