There are several companies around the world... Dupont, GE, EXXON-Mobile, Koch Chemical as examples... companies who pollute our world... fight the logic of the EPA's rules to keep our water and air clean...argue against Climate Change...cause if the truth comes out that they are causing it...well they might just be held accountable.
Then we give subsidies to the Oil Industry; 4-Billion dollars in 2010...this is just plain unbelievable. The cumulative industry profits for oil companies has doubled in 2010, over 40 Billion Dollars for one year, and 2011 will be higher. This isn't because we are using more. Not even close. The Petrochemical and fuel companies are making increased profits on decreasing consumption through the recession of 2010. They make their profit as a percentage of the cost of crude...and though they purchase oil for refining in advance...that speculation thing...they bill it out as a part of their 'last in' pricing scheme.
Here we are giving them Corporate Welfare and they are raking in the ever increasing profits. It does not make sense...but what are our alternatives? Oh, wait a moment...Simple... Alternative Energy and increased use of energy resources that we can harness... specifically Natural Gas. We have an amazing reserve of Natural Gas and as we are past Peak Oil we need to understand that even with reduced consumption we will find that oil continues to increase in price. The only way to lower that cost is to drastically reduce the consumption which will ground the speculation to a halt.
Oh, and we need to stop funding the cleanup of their waste... companies that pollute should have to fund the cleanup. We don't do that... we clean it up using tax dollars...social solutions that should be corporate solutions...hold them accountable and they will find the solutions that will make sense now and into the future and help to meet that Sustainable goal that we have for our world to come.
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