Monday, October 24, 2011

W.H. Hudson

As each environ is overcome by man...on an island such as Hawaii or the Pampas of Argentina...his lament holds true... "The beautiful has vanished and returns not."
We need to find a way to slow our destruction and begin the ongoing process of creating sustainable realities in our urban and rural communities.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

One more look...

Author, Biologist, speaker...
Saundra Steingraber
60 Carcinogens in our air...66 Carcinogens in our water...
even rain water is contaminated
"We should become Carcinogen Abolitionists!"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is the impact?

As we humans continue to expand...more than 6.5 billion of us on earth our anticipated 10 billion by the year 2060 we continue to use resources way outside of the projected deletion rate. And as we continue to pack ourselves in around rivers and on coasts...we are eliminating the food stocks that only decades ago seemed to abound!
Edward O. Wilson…Perhaps Americas's finest Biologist of this century has said in comments on biodiversity and sustainability...

“A civilization able to envision God and to embark on the colonization of space will surely find the way to save the integrity of this planet and the magnificent life it harbors.”
He is hopeful that we can stop killing all life and move to make the earth sustain...if not renew...its habitats and food sources for all living things.
But can we? If industry here in the US and abroad are working to grow...tearing down forests, eliminating wetlands...destroying natural resources ...even those that were thought to be recoverable... and creating deserts out of our grasslands... If that is who we continue to be, how will we be able to feed half again as many people on the earth as there are today?
It is time that we stop! Time that we stop and make dramatic change to ensure we can survive our "Humanity" without loosing our way. It will take will take committment, and it will take both trust and truth if we are going to make it.
I wish us luck.