Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The real storm causing global warming…population growth and its impact on the environment.

In 1776, the year of the American Revolution, world population was approximately 800 million…and the population of colonial America was 2.5 million…or about .0035% of that population.

Today the USA is at about 320 million and the world is at about 7 Billion raising our population to about 4.6% of the world’s population…but still well below the rest of man kind.

Understanding the global population picture requires that we recognize that our past growth
impacts our future population…and that 7 Billion today with a 1.07% growth rate in 2012 we will continue to grow…and even after we hit zero growth rate, .01% in 2016 or so, we will still be growing because the population is hanging in there and not leaving the planet.

1950 2,556,000,000
1960 3,039,434,000
1965 3,345,409,879
1970 3,706,601,448
1975 4,086,387,665
1980 4,453,863,820
1985 4,850,224,998

1990 5,277,725,410
1995 5,687,011,326
2000 6,081,002,937
2005 6,462,181,426
2010 6,840,423,256
2012 7 Billion!

With growth at .45% in 2050 still pushing our population up to between 9.3 and 10 Billion world wide…that means that in 1800 we were at just under 1 Billion in population and it took more than 125 years to double, however the next doubling happened in 33 years with 3-Billion in 1960…and 4 in 14 more years in 1974… a trend…yes, clearly.

We hit 6-Billion in 1999 and 7-Billion in 2012…now we are slowing, but we are past the point of resource burdening…and will hit 10-Billion by 2050 before we begin to reduce the population.

While we may worry about things like oil and gold…it better be obvious that the real critical
resources are Water and Food…and with these resources at or past peak production in many parts of the world we are facing short supplies and the resulting loss of life TODAY!