Friday, September 23, 2011


The Earth is covered by a wondrous body of water...80%+ of the surface of the earth is covered by it... but of all that water less than 8% can be easily used by nature to sustain the fauna and flora... and man seems to take all of that water, including the 8% absolutely for granted!

I am a diver, and yes I love the water...and so when Dr. Sylvia Earle came to speak at the Winter Park Institute at Rollins College, here in Florida, I found myself sitting in a packed auditorium with students, faculty, and interested individuals like myself to hear her speak on the sustainability of our oceans.

Like many, I knew of Dr. Earle. I knew she was a marine biologist, author, lecturer... but I did not know that she was formerly the chief scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Nor did I know that Sylvia Earle is an explorer-in-residence at National Geographic...or that her presence there has created and gathered funding for the Sustainable Seas Expedition which explores and researches 12 National Marine Sanctuaries that surround the North American continent which is working to increase US and international recognition and caring for the oceans by the public, policy-makers, and institutions.

I have heard of the SSE and I know that working with other organizations it has, in a very short time, managed to increase the global populaiton of North Atlantic Haddock by creating a safe breeding area (tens of thousands of protected hectare' where no fishing is allowed) which has resulted in huge increases in stock along the Georges Banks.

The main focus of Dr Earle's talk was the impact that man has had on the oceans...and she stressed that as we threaten the 27000 species found in the seas...we threaten all life on earth! Quoting Edward Wilson... she said..."We are letting Nature slip through out fingers..." and that by allowing our earth to slowly die we are sealing our own destiny.

Yet Sylvia Earle is 'Endowed' with Hope... and I agree. If we have the strength to stand against the industrial tide...and make our voice be heard we can halt the destruction of our environment, and as seen by the actions of the SSE it can be done within controlled limits that support sustainable environment and sustainable economies...economies that can help us to overcome the impact of our growing population and reverses our impact on habitability for all of Nature, not just man...

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