Sunday, June 10, 2012

Energy Policy Letter our Senators

We need leaders, not professional politicians more concerned with their careers than the future of the United States. We need an Energy Policy….let me say that again… WE NEED AN ENERGY POLICY!

I support you as a valuable member of the Senate… and I (we) need you to demonstrate real leadership because if our politicians continue to make decisions based on changing political winds, if special interests keep blocking meaningful reform, if captains of industry and party leadership continue to shrink from bold steps out of caution then we will get the mediocre energy
solutions that this will bring…and the United States will fail to lead the world in the innovative creation of real answers to our energy challenge.

Florida is in trouble…as is the rest of America, and we need you to act now to get us off of OIL and COAL by 2050 or sooner…and it can be done, but only if you lead.

I highly recommend that you read the Rocky Mountain Institute book “Reinventing Fire”, by Amory Lovins, and that you take it to heart, act immediately to address the issues identified in this book, and help to effectively create the Vision of an America (USA) leading, not following China, Germany and others into the Oil/Coal Free energy future that can be achieved if you, our leadership, take the immediate steps and create the policies and reforms needed to create the
Smart Grid Energy System that will address the needed integration in Transportation, Building & Construction, Industry, Electrical Generation and cultural change that will make us the world’s leader who truly moves the world forward into the future.

Don’t disregard my comments Senator. Read the book and provide the leadership. Create an Energy Policy that works and that will yield the Trillions of Dollars of real profit that will ensure our continued national success.

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