Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Considering Things can make you Crazy!

I have been considering things lately…and you can make you crazy.

For instance, why can’t the nation that is the leader in so many things not even get a strong foothold in the Global Warming arena. Arctic summer ice has been reduced to the smallest surviving sheet in all recorded history for this key feature of the world’s northern region, and yet we in the USA still challenge each other on whether or not we have Global Warming going on…

Then there is the issue of water pollution. Every one of us uses water every day…that’s 7.4-Billion of us using this key resource…yet we are willing to foul it with all sorts of things…trash, pesticides, oil and gas… what can we be thinking? Water has no substitute…yet we poison it on a regular basis, not to mention waste it… we leave our water run while we brush our teeth, we water grass for hours…every day, we wash our cloths with more detergent than needed…rinse for extended periods…ignore regulations for pumping from the shallow and even the ancient aquifers the world over…are we going to learn?

And when it comes to accepting responsibility for resource management…we step away from the game. We are the ones wasting resources…we learned it from our parents, but they were dealing with 3-Billion or 4-Billion…not 7-Billion going to 10-Billion inhabitants of Earth. Some promote environmental Stewardship over Sustainability…managing their programs with an environmental focus…for today’s world…today’s use of resources. Stewardship is not Sustainability. Sustainability is about effective management of the Environment, Economy, and Equity for generations now and into the future the world over. Why can’t we recognize that our planet is a long term engagement…4.5-Billion Years in the making…and billions of years to go before ‘Sol’ grows into a Gas Giant and ends our run.

We need to engage sustainable processes that will extend the world’s quality of life for centuries to come…not for just a few more generations. Of course, we could continue as we have been doing and then just learn to use more sun block, less water, and some type of filtration each time we inhale.

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