Friday, April 14, 2017

The EPA Isn't Just About Air and Water...and Science Isn't Fake-News!

I keep hearing the Trump Administration say that CO2 is not causing Global Warming…science be damned… and that all they really need to do is work with the states to help keep air and water clean. Then, of course, Trump goes and revokes EOs that prevent Coal Empires from “Mountain Topping” and dumping the tailings down the sides of those devastated mountains and into the streams and rivers below…carrying heavy metals and toxic byproducts out to the surface water used by communities. And they reverse regulations on clean water…quietly reducing the cleanliness of our rivers and lakes.

As for their anti-EPA actions, the world’s leader in fighting pollution and recovering our environment from the extremes we have pushed it to…they have placed the EPA on the block, if not gone…tied up by reduced funding, cancelled programs, and blocked access to resources and an intensely interested citizenry.

Most of us don’t agree with Trump. First is the fact that he has close ties with other 1%ers who fight the EPA with their fortunes…like the Koch brothers, members of Trump’s corporate resort Mar-a-Lago in Florida…no wonder Trump doesn’t want to release the log books on who visited with him. Back Room Politics are alive and well in the GOP…and the Trump clan is making a killing on their corporate affiliation with the Donald. And then he insults us by promoting anti-science as the alternative facts of the day.

The idea that we should live for today’s profits and let the government clean up our pollution tomorrow does not sit well with me. EPA isn’t just about water and air…it’s about pollution, and establishing the standards that will keep America safe for time immemorial. Let’s look at one case, one of many thousands of super-fund sites. Love Canal, a winner of awards for their reclaiming of land and conversion of industrial sites into home sites. And, as a result of the chemical waste stored underground by Hooker Chemical, the land was poisoned, the ground water was contaminated, cancer ran rampant, and people died.

Pesticides and herbicides, toxic waste runoff from Coal and coal fired power plants, fracking waste water from oil and gas production sites, Canadian pipelines from Canada to Texas…to feed foreign owned refineries for oil exports that will never profit Americans, but threatens to pollute the Ogallala Aquifer in the heart of the United States, waste dumping in open ocean, a practice that we have reduced…but may come back if Trump has his way, increased acidification of our oceans, reduced controls on over-fertilization for places like Trump Organization (his company) resorts and golf courses…nitrates dumping into our water and killing our harbors …dead zones reaching into the open ocean …

The EPA sets standards to save the planet, and whether Trump and the Kochs like it or not…we are the Global leader in this field and we must fight to ensure that we remain the leader. I don’t live in China, India, or Russia…the nations with the worst pollution…nor do we have polluted harbors and bays the way China and Brazil do…why, the EPA corrected those issues for us several decades ago. Now Trump has signed an executive order that directed the Environmental Protection Agency to limit the scope of what counts as a regulated body of water under the Clean Water Act.

The EPA is a solid part of the Sustainable process that our nation is capable of achieving for America, and for the World…our economy and our history of social equity are the other legs of that important structure. Trump is working to end our leadership in this crucial global program…one that must be won now…or future generations will suffer, even Trump’s grandkids, whether he likes it or not, will suffer…The EPA isn’t just about water and air, it’s about the survival of the planet; it’s about managing tides so that islands remain above the oceans and coastal cities survive as well…Trump’s precious Mar-A-Lago will be under water before Donald Junior can say “hot-damn…I shot the last Lion”… the oceans are rising, and it’s not just because of nature. It’s because man has reached 8.5 billion and we pump out GHGs by the ton, the ice is melting...the reefs are bleaching, and we are killing thousands of species a year...way out of the box.

Let’s close on a high note. Donald Trump does not acknowledge Global Warming in the US…but he openly promotes national funding for protective barriers in Great Britain where his golf courses are threatened by higher tides than ever before…Telling the British Government that he needs their funding to protect his properties from the rising seas. Maybe Trump will bring this idea home…as he strives to make his vision of America great…but don’t hold your breath. This man isn’t about the truth…he is all for one and one for the Trump Organization.

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