Friday, October 12, 2012

What is the Impact of Climate Change?

Climate Change is effecting us all
What is the impact of Climate Change...caused by Global Warming... on our economy? Monsoons are not new, but what is new is that they are impacting the planet through being much more forceful and lasting longer... Droughts are not new either, but their impact is becoming increasingly felt in places like the Russian and American grain regions. Corn and soy, modern crops designed to yield plenty for the world, are reported as below expected yields in most regions...wheat too...all due to Climate Change.
Have we (humankind) caused it? The earth is in a natural warming cycle and we didn't cause that.
Have we accelerated it? Yes...we have. Our inventions, mostly powered by carbon rich fuels, have released thousands of time more carbon per day than natural processes do, and as a result we have increased the heating trend. Today we are seeing massive ice melts and changes in the atmospheric currents that drive climate effects...we are impacting Climate Change and as the processes in play take an expanse of time to slow or delay...well, we can expect to see permafrost melting for the next few centuries along with all the other trends and that's just the case..

Monsoons are not going to go away.
So, can we change it? No, that's not in the cards...the natural warming trend covers centuries and our impact has increased the speed with which this trend is advancing. At best, if we act now to correct the carbon pollution that we are causing, and by doing that we can slow its advance ...potentially back to its natural speed, though the impact that we have registered will stay in play unless we devise ways to safely remove the greenhouse gases from our atmosphere.
What is the economic impact...well, that isn't quite clear, but consider this. On top of the agricultural impact we have to look at the coming floods. Monsoons cited here point out that natural trends are becoming worse, but in the developed world we are seeing climate impact on our waterways and more. Flooding is getting worse because rain is increasing with the change in climate flow. From that we are seeing increased insurance the tune of Billions of Dollars more per year. What we can say is that the economics of Climate Change are huge... more than we can imagine, and for those who act to correct the trend there may be economic advantage.
We can spotlight many impact ares ... for example...Cities are finding new threats for things like rain runoff and drainage...when the sea rises...drainage flow changes...backs up...floods whole communities... Imagine the Venice Effect occurring in Baltimore or Madrid...the bright spot of course is that a whole new trend may emerge for building boats and offering jobs as gondola operators.
We can't stop global warming, its a natural cycle that we will have to deal with, but we can moderate the immediate impact and slow the progression by returning to more natural carbon release levels...that we can do.

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